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Let’s take our hearts to the Opera
Let’s take our hearts to the Opera
Forfatter: LeenaDee
Skrevet: 2012-05-01 18:28:40
Version: 1.0
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Tiptoeing up the stage, she opened her mouth. The room was filled with awe and adoration. Hands banging together, and smiles that rivals the Cheshire cat.

And she knows, oh how well she knows. Her voice is like angels and banshees hung together in their own carcass, hanging in balance and beauty, white adorning white, birth granting death.

She raises her arms out to the audience, and few return the gesture, their glee shining brightly off of them. Her eyes close, and her mouth slowly comes to an end, the audience hanging on to every word, clutching tightly to the vocals slowly fading from the opera room.

She bows, low and deep, her hair covering ever part of her body.
She rises.

The audience silence is deafening to her ears.

A scream.

Another one yells.

Suddenly they all fight each other to get out of the room.

She stands there still, blood covered from her ribcage, riding down her white gown, slowly spreading out to all sides like a veil.

Her arms once more outstretched to the empty hall.

A beating heart slowly coming to a stop was placed so innocently in the cup of her palms.

And there was no one to receive it.

haleløs2012-06-17 21:55:11

minder mig om X-factor ... måske sang hun falsk ... og blev så 'buhet ud' ? (+ tilsvinet af tomater o.a.)??
I al fald velskrevet; gi'r go'e associationer ;)
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