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I forgot
I forgot
Forfatter: BigNerdBeard
Skrevet: 2016-04-11 05:33:23
Version: 1.0
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I forgot it all
The promises I made
The sincerity they held
I couldn't remember
The place we were supposed to meet
And it's getting increasingly harder
To pick your face from the crowd
We may be in the same town now
But I wouldn't know
Because yards or miles doesn't matter
To my heart
Distance and a painful lack of warmth
Is all it registers
As my blood pumps harshly
Around in my body
Desperately trying to keep it from growing old
I forgot
How much lies come back
To haunt you at night
And I didn't remember
To stop myself from speaking the words
That I knew
Where nothing but pure fiction
I forgot
And I'm sorry

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