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The Last Night
The Last Night
Forfatter: MariaBeuc
Skrevet: 2012-05-16 17:44:31
Version: 1.1
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I see the same sun, go down every evening.
The same sky turn black.
The same stars, the same moon, shine bright on the pitch black sky.
Always the same.
The same bed.
The same man.
Every night. Every morning. All the same...
"Who are you?" I ask myself every day.. I think about it every time. For hours. But I never find an answer. I shout it to the heavens, from the highest mountains.... But I never get an answer. Just dead silence...
The same. Everything is the same.
My haircolor.
My clothes.
My friends.
My actions.
"Is it really me?"
I have always listened, never complained. My parents chose a path, and I followed blindly. No questions asked. My parents knew best, right?
I didn't have a reason to doubt. I became a lawyer, married a doctor. Had two kids, both whom I still look at and see something unknown.
I smile, laugh, cook, work. Like a robot. I keep quit with my opinions. I look through fingers, with my husbands adultery.
I smile, and greet my neighbor, whom is the woman my husband is doing.
I am a good wife. Aren't I?
I feel like I'm falling deeper and deeper, into a black pit of oil. I can't get up. And even though I'm surrounded by people. They do not hear my screams. They just laugh to each other.
Why do I feel like this? I have a good life? My life is perfect.
I have food, clothes. Children. So why?
I always watch the sun, the sky, the stars and the moon. It feels so calming.
Calm and relaxed. Even though the air is cold, and my breath forms white clouds. It is perfect.
My vision is getting blurry. I'm dizzy. The world is getting darker.
"How am I gonna get home now?"
Those were the last words, to flow from my mouth.
Before my world was finally blank..

Lau G.N.2012-05-22 16:03:54

det lyder som en intro til en krimi eller en go roman, er det en ny ide du arbejder på?
for for mig er dette langt fra slut.

godt skrevet og meget føelses fyldt.

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