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A hunt from yesteryear
A hunt from yesteryear
Forfatter: Poetry Writer
Skrevet: 2015-06-27 11:30:38
Version: 1.4
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I had my rifle, I had my gun
It was no trifle, it was no fun
I needed meat, I neede skin
Said in my heat, let me begin

Then in the woods I found the trail
And soon I saw a bushy tail
I felt the rush, I felt the fun
And this my crush had just begun

I lifted up my loaded gun
My soul said stop, no not this one
Yet shoot I did, and did him kill
The beast I hit, for good or ill

And having killed the mighty beast,
My pockets filled as for a feast
I thought, what power is in my hand
To pluck this flower from off the land

And as I ate of it, I thought
Did he feel hate? ’Twas just a sport
I didn’t mean to do him harm
I had no spleen, my soul was calm

Well, I said sorry and then went on
Why should I worry, ’twas only fun,
I cooked my meal, and had my feast
’Twas no big deal, look, ’twas a beast

haleløs2015-06-27 16:24:12

so you changed the headline, huh?

First; your english is excellent!

Second; I live i Copenhagen, my family used to rent a cabin in the swedish woods; I've accidentally met a few mooses / elks (they're very shy, so I don't think one tracks them), they don't have bushy tails on them, and they're very big creatures, not to be eaten up like overnight ;)
sincerely ...
Poetry Writer2015-06-27 17:25:46
My bad, it must have been a typo, it was no elk, not at all. ;)

Thanks for your good advices and nice compliment:)

Poetry Writer2015-06-27 17:29:04

And yeah I couldn't make up my mind about that headline..

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