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Forfatter: BigNerdBeard
Skrevet: 2016-03-09 23:42:32
Version: 1.1
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Lights won't lead me home
But I will instead stray
Far away
From the bright city
And its bustling nightlife
To wander around
In the seemingly never ending darkness
Wondering why the time we have
Was given to us at all
When all we do
Is repeat our days
Into the infinite echo of the universe
That then cast back a picture
Of yesterday
Just to taunt us
And only the slight miscalculation
In the milliseconds of each day
Causes our shadows to be born
And they rise
With us at predictable times
Because change for the better
Or just change at all
Terrifies us
So we keep in line
And walk the same path
As the shadow from yesterday

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