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Love is for me
Love is for me
Forfatter: Lau G.N.
Skrevet: 2013-01-29 22:51:26
Version: 1.1
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Love ”¦ is eternal
and you can’t change that for me

Love ”¦ makes the missing worse
and you can’t change that for me

Love ”¦ is a battle
and you can’t change that for me

Love ”¦ is what makes the tears worth crying
and you can’t change that for me

Love ”¦ is a lifestyle
and you can’t change that for me

Love ”¦ makes sorrow deeper
and you can’t change that for me

Love ”¦ is something to worth dying for
and you can’t change that for me

Love ”¦ makes you dream
and you can’t change that for me

Love ”¦ is worth changing for
and you can’t change that for me

Because I love NightSky
and with her is the life for me ”¦ I choose to build on love

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