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We are waiting for your coming
We are waiting for your coming
Forfatter: Poetry Writer
Skrevet: 2016-12-02 15:43:55
Version: 1.0
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We are waiting for your coming
we are waiting for you now
we are waiting through the ages
we are waiting, wondering how
wond'ring how you will step t'ward us
how your beauty will be seen
how your face will look upon us
what your presence then will mean

we are wond'ring, we are hoping
we are wishing for your love
we are dreaming, we are beaming
our eyes t'ward you above
you the one that we desire
you the one we're clinging to
you our flesh and blood and saviour
our aim and hope are you

the sacred night is fast approaching
when the dear, pure mother's son
comes to our lands to visit
as creation's morning sun
we're bowing low to greet him
we're kneeling down in joy
to the babe of beauty given
to the manger's humble boy

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