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In the Dark
In the Dark
Forfatter: BigNerdBeard
Skrevet: 2015-12-28 07:19:03
Version: 1.0
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In the dark I can almost convince myself

Hidden away and curled up

Hiding from myself and hiding from the world

I manage to forget

For a fleeting moment I'm no longer blinded

By memories of the world beyond the walls

The stars upon the sky

The earth beneath my feet

With my eyes closed and my arms shielding me

I can convince myself for just a moment

That it isn't all real

In the days where I do nothing

I feel myself slipping away

Becoming one with the shadows

Content with watching

Too terrified to do anything else

Hidden behind stone walls and infinite silence

I even manage to forget

That I amp part of life itself

In the dark I know all to well

That I am but flesh and blood

I know all too well

How easy it would be to slip away

And never have to be scared of being alive again

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