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The Journey
The Journey
Forfatter: Jenner
Skrevet: 2013-09-09 22:45:56
Version: 1.0
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Today we are resting our sore feet, resting from a long journey which took us across steep mountains, swallowing oceans, endless deserts, enormous fields and not to mention the magical experience of friendship. Most of us prevailed through this phenomenal yet harsh journey only to witness some of our most trusted comrades fall at the hands of their own despair. Let us remember these brave souls, let us remember the unwavering promise, the promise which granted us the courage, hope, joy and overwhelming force within our struggling hearts to complete this legendary journey towards our bright future.

As a witness I must advice you that destiny is not something one should wait for since there is no precise moment to wait. Look at the drifting skies for instance; they do not wait for the exact moment to start drifting, they began to drift because it is their natural action. Like the pure children of nature we must follow the clear path of effortless action since this is our path to youth and comprehension.

The vast universe unfolds its mythical wings before our bleeding eyes, but I warn you dear friends and foes alike, to comprehend the limitless universe is not something which is meant for the fragile mind of a flesh born human being. Discern what truly valuable knowledge is and harness this throughout all aspects of life, yet seize your innermost desires with caution because that which is simple is often the true path to joy in life.

When we first met at the doorstep to our mutual journey, I had forsaken all desires of creating friendships and thus recognised all of you as impaling burdens upon my weary shoulders. Today I must admit that the trickery of fate lured me to forge unbreakable friendships, which awoke the once hibernating talents within my deepest sanctuary and to this I am utmost grateful.

Even if our paths of blurry dreams and fiery passion shatter as ice crystals in the marvellous spring our bonds of friendship shall never be torn to shreds. My final advice is to be one with the raging dragonfly which inherited the energy of the almighty lightning yet still be like the river that slithers through the grassy fields of eternal youth.

With the last words uttered let the peace in our soul guide us down the individual paths which has unfolded before us. Let our future journeys bring us back together.

Engelsk A: tale om emnet "graduation" (poetisk tilgang).

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