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Deal with the devil
Deal with the devil
Forfatter: BigNerdBeard
Skrevet: 2015-03-22 15:11:46
Version: 1.0
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If you make a deal with the devil
You sign in blood
And not only that
But you pay in blood
And love
And happiness
And everything good
He takes it all for that is his price
And he leaves purely bad feelings behind
And as a thank you
or dealing with him
He gives you
And loss
And anger
And sadness
And depression
And he gives you insanity
So do keep in mind:
Never make a deal
With the devil

haleløs2015-03-22 15:15:01

... nor play devils-advocate ;) sincerely ...
BigNerdBeard2015-03-22 15:19:11
True that

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