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My Lost Wish..
My Lost Wish..
Forfatter: MariaBeuc
Skrevet: 2012-06-29 20:49:57
Version: 1.0
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Are you listening?
Do you understand?
Do you know... That this... This is “me”.
What a funny word. Tell me... Does it suit me?
Can I be “me”?
Do I dare say I’m “me”? Can I really?

When I look In the mirrow... All I see is an empty shell, filled with nothing.
I used to be able to “feel” my emotions. But now... It feels more like my mind is trying to trick my body... My soul...
But I can’t...
People say, that humans are the inferior race... The strongest of them all...
But we are so weak... So weak...
We do not want to acknowledge that weakness...
But it is there... weather we want it or not...
We fill our minds with hopes and dreams... But then we realise that those hopes and dreams... Were just created so we would trick ourselves to live on...

Our mental state is so fragile... It can breake so easily...
And I broke... No doubt about it... I broke down...
I tried to be strong... Believe me... I tried...
But it hurt so damn much...
I said i was fine...
And I smiled...
But it was all a lie...
Now... Now I’m gonna die...
Do you see it now... I can never be “me”. Because “me” doesn’t exist...
The “me”, you knew, is already gone... And “me” isn’t coming back...
I fought... I did my best... But “my best”, just wasn’t good enough.
I wanted a path to follow... I wanted to be strong...
And I was strong, just not strong enough...
I wish... I wish “my best”, was good enough...
I wish “my strong”, was strong enough...
But “my Wish”, won’t come true...
I know that now...
I have accepted that now...
I just hope that you will too...
that you’ll understand. That you’ll listen to me now...
It wasn’t you... It was something that just happened... I realised too early, that life... life isn’t full of hopes and dreams.
Life is just full of broken souls, and lost dreams...
Life is just another lie...
I believe humans convince themselves that “Hell” exist... Because, we need to believe, that somewhere, out there. There is a world much worse than our own... That some will suffer a worse fate than ours...

But I don’t... I won’t trick my self to believe, that “Life” is worse than “Hell”...
I fear Death... But I fear Life much more...

I just wish... That someday someone, anyone, will take this lost world by the hand, and lead it into the light... This... this is all I wish for...
But I don’t believe, I will live to see it....

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