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Raistlin's bidrag


Titel: I, under og bagved
Forfatter: Raistlin
Skrevet: 2014-11-04 16:23:58
Teaser: Mod hjernebarkens kvalmene tavshed, hamre neutronernes energiforladte skaller. den stille larm gengiver stormen på havets dyb, luften forladt, glemt og aldrig savnet. frastødende groteskt ...

Titel: This is what i do
Forfatter: Raistlin
Skrevet: 2012-02-12 19:23:35
Teaser: I open my eyes. i take a wanker. getting a cigaret. stands up. get my self a beer. smoking again making coffee. make my self a toast. taking a shower. drinking my coffee. smoking again. p ...

Titel: The shock of you
Forfatter: Raistlin
Skrevet: 2012-02-12 19:22:26
Teaser: I hate the thing we have i know what shit you do i think "we need to talk" you hate the shit i talk you know what i have you think "what do i do" we two got a problem i think we two have ...

Titel: A life of a (k)night
Forfatter: Raistlin
Skrevet: 2012-02-12 19:18:35
Teaser: This is the story of a man called jim. jim is slim. jim is tall. jim has the brain of a goat. jim is not handsom. jim is not to old. jim dosn't do what hes told. jim has a knife. jim knows a ...

Titel: A day without life
Forfatter: Raistlin
Skrevet: 2012-02-12 19:16:13
Teaser: One day i woke up. that day i felt something funny. i couln't put my finger on what it was. walked to school and looked on a tree, it was dead. walked by a lake and the fish's was dead. walked ...

Titel: The way of an angel
Forfatter: Raistlin
Skrevet: 2012-02-12 19:14:42
Teaser: One night i couldn't sleep, so i went for a walk. the walk took me to the graveyard. on the graveyard i saw a tombstone. it was blank. under the tombstone there was a hole. "a hole and a blank ...

Titel: Med rosen i hånden
Forfatter: Raistlin
Skrevet: 2012-02-12 19:13:34
Teaser: Jeg sidder. jeg sidder med rosen. jeg sidder med rosen i hånden. jeg sidder med rosen i hånden og tænker. jeg sidder med rosen i hånden og tænker og tvivler. jeg sidder med rosen i hånden ...

Titel: Casket
Forfatter: Raistlin
Skrevet: 2012-02-12 19:10:54
Teaser: You think you know what to do with me. put me in a casket and burn me... but i will rise from my ashes like a phoenix... burn away your tears of agony with my anger. what you should have done ...

Titel: Majskolber
Forfatter: Raistlin
Skrevet: 2012-02-12 19:06:32
Teaser: En majskolbe er et levende væsen der tænker og taler på et højere plan end vi dødelige mennesker kan følge med til. det er den tilstand jeg føler mig i for tiden. jeg tænker og taler et s ...

Titel: Inside my head
Forfatter: Raistlin
Skrevet: 2012-02-12 19:03:17
Teaser: In my head is the image of the one moment when i am happy or it's not a single moment. its many moments, when im in coma. no thought's of who i was or who i am or who i will be. no voices sp ...

Titel: Gang på gang
Forfatter: Raistlin
Skrevet: 2012-02-12 18:59:48
Teaser: Gang på gang må man undre sig over hvad folk egentlig bruger deres tid på. der er folk der bruger tid på at finde sig selv, fint nok (men gør det stille) der er folk der bruger deres tid ...

Titel: The day i'm happy
Forfatter: Raistlin
Skrevet: 2012-02-12 18:55:53
Teaser: The day im happy ill see you on my bed. the day im sad ill see you leave. the day im imprest is the day i call you back.

Titel: Howling at the moon
Forfatter: Raistlin
Skrevet: 2012-02-12 18:54:54
Teaser: When i look at the moon i see her, while the wind blows her name. the city is below me, im standing, watching, listening, dreaming, howling. im drunk right now, drunk and spoiled, all i want, i ...

Titel: What i was
Forfatter: Raistlin
Skrevet: 2012-02-12 18:51:22
Teaser: Deep inside i'm still alone deep inside i'm freaking out i lock you up you're haunting me i bury you in the darkest part you're draining me if i ever let you out you'll destroy all i wa ...


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