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Night of love
Night of love
Forfatter: BigNerdBeard
Skrevet: 2015-03-16 01:50:55
Version: 1.0
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I will erase every trace
of tear tracks on your face

I will dry your eyes
And calm your cries

I will hold you tight
All throughout the night

I will stroke your hair
And show you I care

I will wrap my arms around your waist
We have no more time to waste

I will tell you of my love
And everything thereof

I will give you a kiss
Make you realize feelings you cannot dismiss

I will ask you to be mine
And we will celebrate your answer with wine

We will give in to desire
Our passion an everlasting fire

We will no longer be in need of counting sheep
Exhausted but ecstatic we will fall asleep

We will wake up to the morning sun
And neither of us will run

We will forever reminisce
This feeling of fleeting bliss

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