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Losing My Mind
Losing My Mind
Forfatter: BigNerdBeard
Skrevet: 2015-07-19 06:03:07
Version: 1.0
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Was I losing my mind
Going back and forth
In an attempt
To sort out this mess that I created

Am I losing myself
Trying to find a solution
To a problem that might not even exist

Perhaps I might have already lost
All that is of value to me
When the flames that burned
As my life went to hell
Took my heart with it
And made it into ashes

The liquid that spilled
From my eyes
And the liquid that spilled
From my wrists
Was not enough to stop the flames
From burning up my soul
And taking my mind with it

And the day that my mind was lost
My sanity seemed to evaporate
Or perhaps it just got a little lost
And confused along the way
Because when darkness takes over
And the shadows become overwhelming
It is hard to stay sane
And even harder to stay alive

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