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The girl in the mirror
The girl in the mirror
Forfatter: BigNerdBeard
Skrevet: 2014-11-15 03:31:17
Version: 1.1
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I remember what you told me
I hate it when you stand in front of the mirror
Cringing at your own reflection
Pointing out all of your imperfections
But it's true I'm pathetic I'm weak
I answered tears in my eyes

And I remember what you did next
Taking ahold of my shoulders saying
Look at that sad girl and tell me what you see
I see a sad pathetic weak girl
I know but tell me what you like about her
I like her eyes and I like her smile

Continue you told me with a smile
Thats all i can see nothing more
You're wrong this girl is so much more
This girl has a sexy healthy looking body
This girl has strong shoulder to hold her head up high
This girl has scars that shows how strong she is

Looking at me lovingly you finished
This girl is strong beautiful talented and so much more
One single meal isn't going to change that
And this girl should smile
Because her smile is most definitely beautiful
And she couldn't be any more perfect

haleløs2014-11-15 09:57:57

nemlig, ja!
Nanna skrev noget lignende her: Fars lille pige

Nydeligt engelsk!
venligst ...
BigNerdBeard2014-11-15 21:15:17
Mange tak.

- Rebecca

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